- Arrecadar doações de roupas e brinquedos inicialmente (posteriormente serão feitas doações de alimentos não perecíveis ao longo do desenvolvimento da campanha) para doação à instituições que prestam assistência à crianças carentes. As doações serão arrecadadas em todo o Brasil.
- Incentivar a solidariedade em crianças e adolescentes por meio de ações;
- Junto com a campanha de doação será feita uma campanha de conscientização pela solidariedade e contra o bullyng, a campanha NO BULLYNG, uma campanha iniciada pelo FC @JBIEBERBR_FC contra violência que hostiliza e muitas vezes agride física e psicologicamente crianças e adolescentes em todo o mundo.
Na campanha as escolas, empresas e instituições dispostas a ajudar, estão sendo os pontos de coleta das doações. A campanha está sendo feita também por meio de divulgação na internet e outras mídias parceiras nas cidades que já possuem represenantes. Não serão cobrados valores monetários nem dos parceiros e nem dos doadores; todo o trabalho da campanha será voluntário. Fotos e vídeos da campanha serão feitos para criação de vídeo que incentive ainda mais jovens e mostre o resultado da solidariedade. Será feito um vídeo clipe com a canção “Pray”, música que teve seu vídeo clipe lançado recentemente e que incentiva em sua letra e imagens do clipe à solidariedade. A campanha irá seguir mesmo depois do Natal e todos os registros serão postados neste hot site dedicado à mesma.
A Operação U Smile tem representantes e voluntários em cerca de 15 estados do Brasil, em várias cidades destes estados e a campanha vem crescendo a cada dia. Cada representante tem a função de falar em nome do projeto em sua cidade quando necessário e juntamente com os voluntários buscar pontos de coleta, recolher as doações e selecionar a instituição de caridade que mais necessita dos donativos em sua cidade.
Você pode contribuir, mesmo que de forma simples para o sucesso da caridade. Não buscamos parceiros para arrecadar valores monetrários ou benefícios pessoais, por isso se você pode ajudar de alguma forma voluntária exclusivamente nas doações e na divulgação da mesma, precisamos de sua solidariedade. Contate-nos pelo e-mail ou CLIQUE AQUI e envie sua mensagem de como você pode ajudar na campanha, sua ajuda será muito bem vinda.
OBJECTIVE - To collect donations of clothes and toys initially (later will be donations of nonperishable food throughout the development of the campaign) to donate to agencies that provide assistance to needy children. Donations will be collected throughout Brazil. - Encouraging children and adolescents in solidarity through actions; - Along with the donation campaign will be an awareness campaign for solidarity and against bullyng, NO BULLYNG the campaign, a campaign initiated by FC @ JBIEBERBR_FC against violence that harms hostile and often physically and psychologically children and adolescents around the world . THE UNION IS STRENGTH FOR SOLIDARITY, JOIN THE TEAM! In the campaign to schools, businesses and institutions willing to help, are the points of collection of donations. The campaign is also being done through posting on the Internet and other media partners in cities that already have represenantes. Will not be charged money values nor the partners and not donor, all the campaign work will be voluntary. Photos and videos of the campaign will be made to create video that will encourage even more young people and show the result of solidarity. There will be a video clip with the song "Pray", which had its music video clip released recently and it encourages in its letter and picture clip solidarity. The campaign will follow even after Christmas and all records will be posted on this hot site dedicated to it. Operation Smile U has representatives and volunteers in 15 states of Brazil, in several cities of these states and the campaign is growing every day. Each representative has the task of speaking on behalf of the project in his city when needed and get together with volunteers collecting points, collect donations and select the charity that needs the most donations in their city. HOW TO BECOME A PARTNER OF THE CAMPAIGN You can contribute, even if simply for the success of the charity. We do not seek partners to raise values monetrários or personal benefit, so if you can help in any way exclusively on voluntary donations and spreading the same, we need your solidarity. Contact us by email or CLICK HERE and send your message of how you can help the campaign, your help is very welcome.
OBJECTIVE - To collect donations of clothes and toys initially (later will be donations of nonperishable food throughout the development of the campaign) to donate to agencies that provide assistance to needy children. Donations will be collected throughout Brazil. - Encouraging children and adolescents in solidarity through actions; - Along with the donation campaign will be an awareness campaign for solidarity and against bullyng, NO BULLYNG the campaign, a campaign initiated by FC @ JBIEBERBR_FC against violence that harms hostile and often physically and psychologically children and adolescents around the world . THE UNION IS STRENGTH FOR SOLIDARITY, JOIN THE TEAM! In the campaign to schools, businesses and institutions willing to help, are the points of collection of donations. The campaign is also being done through posting on the Internet and other media partners in cities that already have represenantes. Will not be charged money values nor the partners and not donor, all the campaign work will be voluntary. Photos and videos of the campaign will be made to create video that will encourage even more young people and show the result of solidarity. There will be a video clip with the song "Pray", which had its music video clip released recently and it encourages in its letter and picture clip solidarity. The campaign will follow even after Christmas and all records will be posted on this hot site dedicated to it. Operation Smile U has representatives and volunteers in 15 states of Brazil, in several cities of these states and the campaign is growing every day. Each representative has the task of speaking on behalf of the project in his city when needed and get together with volunteers collecting points, collect donations and select the charity that needs the most donations in their city. HOW TO BECOME A PARTNER OF THE CAMPAIGN You can contribute, even if simply for the success of the charity. We do not seek partners to raise values monetrários or personal benefit, so if you can help in any way exclusively on voluntary donations and spreading the same, we need your solidarity. Contact us by email or CLICK HERE and send your message of how you can help the campaign, your help is very welcome.
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