07 março 2011


When Justin Bieber is not making headlines about his encounters with Selena Gomez, he's making news in relation to your hair. Only last month, your hair was cut and then earlier this week, it was learned that a lock of hair Bieber was sold at auction for $ 40,668 dollars. 
When MTV News caught up with Vanessa Price, the hairdresser of Bieber, she admitted that it was surprising that the esa hair has been sold for much, but grateful that someone has given funds to help The Gentle Barn Foundation, a rescue organization animals in California. 
"It's great and it's for charity and the best is that we have something disposable that is worth anything," she said. "It's a lot of money, but as I said, we're just very lucky that this has happened." 
Swabs of the star may have done something good, but fans could not initially agree with the decision to ban the fringe Bieber world's most famous. 
"We knew it would be a big deal," said Vanessa. "We knew the fans would be for a shock, but we also knew it would be a change in growth. I think this is something that people just have to adapt. " 
"We talked about it for a while and share some ideas, but he was adamant about cutting hair. He left in our hands, "she continued before describing the momentary hesitation. "The minute I started cutting, he was like, 'Wait, wait, wait." He loves it. He is enjoying it. " 
The girls certainly have always been attracted by Bieber due to this "mark" it (the cut that old flame Vanessa 1.0), but Price says his team quickly overcame the doubts that arose when the idea of the haircut was brought to them. "I mean, I'm not saying that everyone was 100% about it," he said. "But they trusted in the style of Justin and in my abilities and they kind of held their hesitation." 
These days, Bieber adjusted its styling techniques for cutting shorter. "With his hair before he needed no product was super easy. And now they got shorter and raised, he wanted to try something, "she said. "I'm not all the time with him, but I definitely taught how to make your own hair." 
"I do not know if it's more work, but I told him that now is 'we do not take care of cutting hair, we just go there and cut,'" she continued."Version 1.0 was cut in a certain direction, was cut according to the style. He is loving and like to experiment, so I guess we'll see it's a natural progression for any young adult. " 
Vanessa says she had only positive feedback from the legions of dedicated Beliebers, much to her relief. "The only things I heard were positive, so that made me very happy because the fans have taken into consideration," she said. "They are a big part. Without them we would not be here. Since haircut, I have a fan club now. It's all positive. "

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